Tayara means 'airplane' in Arabic.

This blog is about airplanes and anything that involves them.

It is mostly about Commercial Aviation, but also General and, occasionally, Military.

During my travels around the world I take pictures and video as a hobby of everything and anything related. I also include some acquaintances’ contributions from time to time, giving them proper credit.

Please, feel free to comment or suggest on my posts.

** Pictures here are copyrighted and only for your own enjoyment**

Continental Boeing 777-200ER N78013 / 2009.02.19

IAH (George Bush Intercontinental airport. Houston, United States)
'I always find this fascinating', once told me a fellow passenger when taxiing on a highway overpass. It certainly is, and it's also a sign that you've reached a developed country. I always remember that person's words, and I can't help but taking a picture every time I see it. As seen on board Continental Airlines Boeing 777-200/ER N78013, upon arrival from LHR (London Heathrow) as Flight CO033.

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